HyunJeong Hwang is a keen pianist with a passion for performing her classical and romantic repertoire. She won various competitions in South Korea with her virtuosic works at the age of 17. When she moved to London, she extended her interest to include such as French and contemporary music, devoting her time to performing, studying at the Royal Academy of Music in London.
Born in Gwang-ju, South Korea, Hyun-Jeong Hwang started playing the piano at the age of 4. Winning a competition at the age of 14 gave her that confidence to decide to be a pianist, and her first step to being a musician was to choose to study at the SunHwa Arts High School. She was keen to explore her repertoire with any opportunity to perform and took part in competitions, winning many competitions with the encouragement of her piano teacher, HaeYoung Cheon.
She continued to win competitions in her 20s and she was accepted by Royal Academy of Music in 2011.
In London she has studied with Daniel-Ben Pienaar and Colin Stone. She has had masterclass with Oritz Wolf, Kathryn Stott and coaching from visiting professors Pascal Devoyon, Stephen Hough, Imogen Cooper, and Yevgeny Sudbin.
Further competition successes are : she was highly commended in her first year for playing Beethoven Sonata Op.10-3, No.7 in the Lilian Davis Competition. She also won 4th prize in the Osaka International Competition playing the Rachmaninoff second sonata. More recently, she won 2nd prize in Lazar Berman Competition in Italy.
More recently, she offered to be an official accompanist at the Grand Virtuoso Prize in London for the winner concert at the Elgar Room, Royal Albert Hall. Her performances in international festivals include the Amalfi festival in Italy, Gabala Music Festival in Azerbaijan, Puigcerda Festival in Spain. Since 2013, she annually has attend the Puigcerda Festival and performed Beethoven’s fourth concerto in 2016 with the Puigcerda orchestra.
HyunJeong Hwang is also exploring chamber music with a piano trio formed with other Academy students. She is finding the chamber music repertoire a new and challenging area to study and is also developing an interest in concert project. A project inspired by her interest, national background, and the historical events, by programming and performing the repertoire which composed by uprising events. She graduated her master and professional diploma with distinctive performance at the Royal Academy of Music and keeping her doctorate at Guildhall School of Music and Drama with scholarship.
피아니스트 황현정은 선화예고 졸업후 도영, 영국 왕립음악원에 입학하여 학사(BMus), 석사 (MMus), 전문 연주자 과정을 우수 성적으로 졸업 후 현재 길드홀음악학교에서 박사과정에 재학중이다. 국내에서는 전혜영, 이진희, 김계화를 사사하였고 런던에서 Daniel Ben Pienaar와 Colin Stone, Deniz Gelenbe 사사하였다. 또한 Oxana Yablonskaya, Stephen Hough, Pascal Devoyon, Pascal Rogé, John Ferry 등 유명 피아니스트들의 마스터 클라스를 수료하기도 하였다.
일찍이 국내에서 호남예술제 및 음악세계, 뮤즈월드신문 콩쿠르 우승 이외 다수 콩쿠르에서 우승하였다. 유학 이후에도 Lilian Davis Competition, Contemporary Prize, 오사카 국제 콩쿠르에서 각각 2위에 입상하며 낭만악파 레퍼토리에 두각을 나타냈으며 지난 2016년 런던에서 열린 Grand Virtuoso Competition과 이탈리아에서 열린 Lazar Bermann Competition에서 각각 2위에 입상하였다.
2009년 음악교육신문사 초청으로 이루어진 제7회 영아티스트 콘서트에 출연 이외에 영산아트홀, 유림아트홀, 모차르트홀 등 국내 연주를 비롯해 영국으로 건너간 이후에도 왕성한 연주활동을 위해 세인트 폴 성당, 로얄알버트홀을 비롯한 런던 곳곳에서 연주활동을 계속하고 있고, 최근 새로운 레퍼토리 리사이틀 및 앙상블 연주에 힘을 쏟고 있다.
런던 올림픽 기념으로 열렸던 City of London Festival에서 열린 프로젝트에 참가하여 다양한 범주로 활동하는 그는 Amalfi Festival, Puigcerda Festival, Azerbaijan Festival에 참가하여 협연, 독주회 및 앙상블 연주까지 활동반경을 넓히고 있다. 또한 최근에 마친 석사졸업 논문에서 다뤄진 작곡가 유지 타카하시의 곡으로 왕립음악원에서 매해 열리는 Piano Summer Festival 에서 배우들과 협동공연을 하였고 노르웨이에서 열린 Grieg Research School 세미나에서 연구 내용을 발표 하는 등 연주 뿐 아니라 음악학 연구에도 힘을 쏟고 있다.
©HyunJeong Hwang, October 2021